You can write your own talks if you have been in a while just by looking at the title. The drama will be hilighted on here.
You seldom can connect with friends.
elder friend of mine texted me asking what my rc attendance was 2 weeks ago (family and i streamed it since wife is not well).
he told me that his rc in the jersey city assembly hall last weekend was low.
co told them that around 2600 were the total from 16+ congs that were assigned.
You can write your own talks if you have been in a while just by looking at the title. The drama will be hilighted on here.
You seldom can connect with friends.
i am starting a new topic since this blog entry is about something different.. i have posted before about my recent split with the jws.
no exit comes out of nowhere and there were seeds planted long before this.
i have never enjoyed field service.
Aah the door work in brutal weather, few home(blessing), fewer interested. Do not forget the horror comic book covers on magazines. And the just loud enough you can't converse kingdom melodies playing in the car.
is it an original from the graphics department?.
anyone know?.
The ideas on the Bible are plagiarized among all the end times religions despite protestations contrary. So imagery would be similar.
i ran across this episode of jay leno's garage on youtube today.
all i know is it seems very similar to j f rutherford's much-vaunted 16-cylinder cadillac.
watch the episode and let us know what you think.
Seems a fit. Believers will not admit Rutherford had a caddy, let alone 2. The provenance would not add value like Humphrey Bogarts Deusy, or AL Capone car. It is fun to look at the craftsmanship in the video no matter what
There will still be serial numbers, instead of a VIN.
self-aware npc has an upload that the ""top-secret"' elders only secret boxes is a drum roll here......a new brochure.....ta dahhhh🤪.
i mean how more dramatic can we get..
canada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
Interesting. Also note the USA was a ( small d) democratic country with supposed no class distinctions. We have no nobility, castes, etc. The now decried white protestant ethic led the exceptionalism of an expanding country. We do have a growing elite, a parasitic entitled woke population, and a reliance on 2nd and 3rd world countries for grunt labor.
"adult baptism was not simply a question of religious dogma; it was an issue of power.
if baptism was delayed until adulthood​—thus allowing a person to make a decision based on faith—​some might not get baptized at all.
and individuals not baptized would, at least to a degree, remain outside the control of the church.
JWs brag about children as young as 6 being baptized. They are for the most part precocious snots.
A reasonable age would be past puberty and close to if not at an age where important decisions ( marriage comes to mind) can be made
from what i can see no such thing is happening.i became a jw in 1960 and remained for about 30 years and the numbers of active jw`s today in the world are far greater than they were back then.. and here in australia the numbers are much higher than they were back then .. so i don`t see that their in decline or have any worries about losing support .. don`t the numbers speak for themselves ?.
is it just wishful thinking on your part ?.
The bookstudy groups were the last vestiges of fun and " love". The service groups are just work parties with varying levels of incompetent leadership. Add old age, disjointed ever changing doctrine, pressure to be poor and uneducated.
I like the " just around the corner?" Circular track.
Also the photo of the adoration of the blue square next to the golden calf illustration